Resolved Vector Velocities#

Read in and plot the CEDAR resolved vector velocity “vvels” data product.

%matplotlib inline
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import re
import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb
import os

data = madrigalWeb.madrigalWeb.MadrigalData(madrigalUrl)

user_fullname = 'Student Example' 
user_email = '' 
user_affiliation= 'ISR Summer School 2024'
code = 61   # PFISR
year = 2024
month = 1
day = 8
hour1 = 7 
minute1 = 1
hour2 = 13
# list of experiments inside a time period of a day
expList = data.getExperiments(code,year,month,day,hour1,minute1,0,year,month,day,hour2,0,0)
for exp in expList:
id: 100278619
name: Themis36 - Auroral and convection measurements
siteid: 10
sitename: CEDAR
instcode: 61
instname: Poker Flat IS Radar
startyear: 2024
startmonth: 1
startday: 8
starthour: 7
startmin: 1
startsec: 4
endyear: 2024
endmonth: 1
endday: 8
endhour: 18
endmin: 0
endsec: 0
isLocal: True
PI: Asti Bhatt
uttimestamp: 1709109883
access: 2
Madrigal version: 3.2
fileList = data.getExperimentFiles(expList[0].id)
for file0 in fileList:
    print(os.path.basename(,'\t', file0.kindat, '\t',file0.kindatdesc)
pfa20240108.001_ac_nenotr_01min.001.h5 	 1000201 	 Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 1 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_fit_01min.001.h5 	 2000201 	 Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 1 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_nenotr_03min.001.h5 	 1000203 	 Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 3 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_fit_03min.001.h5 	 2000203 	 Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 3 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_nenotr_05min.001.h5 	 1000205 	 Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 5 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_fit_05min.001.h5 	 2000205 	 Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 5 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_nenotr_10min.001.h5 	 1000210 	 Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 10 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_fit_10min.001.h5 	 2000210 	 Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 10 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_nenotr_15min.001.h5 	 1000215 	 Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_fit_15min.001.h5 	 2000215 	 Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_nenotr_20min.001.h5 	 1000220 	 Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 20 min
pfa20240108.001_ac_fit_20min.001.h5 	 2000220 	 Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 20 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_nenotr_01min.001.h5 	 1000101 	 Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_fit_01min.001.h5 	 2000101 	 Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_nenotr_03min.001.h5 	 1000103 	 Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 3 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_fit_03min.001.h5 	 2000103 	 Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 3 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_nenotr_05min.001.h5 	 1000105 	 Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 5 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_fit_05min.001.h5 	 2000105 	 Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 5 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_nenotr_10min.001.h5 	 1000110 	 Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 10 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_fit_10min.001.h5 	 2000110 	 Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 10 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_nenotr_15min.001.h5 	 1000115 	 Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_fit_15min.001.h5 	 2000115 	 Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_nenotr_20min.001.h5 	 1000120 	 Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 20 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_fit_20min.001.h5 	 2000120 	 Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 20 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_vvels_01min.001.h5 	 3000101 	 Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_vvels_03min.001.h5 	 3000103 	 Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 3 min
pfa20240108.001_lp_vvels_05min.001.h5 	 3000105 	 Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 5 min
# Download the file that we need to run these examples
os.makedirs('data', exist_ok=True)
vfilepath= 'data/pfa20240108.001_lp_vvels_01min.001.h5'

if not os.path.exists(vfilepath):

    fileList = data.getExperimentFiles(expList[0].id)
    for file0 in fileList:
        if file0.kindatdesc == 'Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min':
            file2download =
    print('Downloading data file...')

    file = data.downloadFile(file2download, vfilepath, 
                               user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation,'hdf5')    
    print(f"File {vfilepath} already downloaded")
File data/pfa20240108.001_lp_vvels_01min.001.h5 already downloaded

Line-of-Sight Velocity [ms-1]#

The velocity array is in the 2D Parameters:

  • VIPN: perp north

  • VIPE: perp east

  • VI6: antiparallel

Dimensons: Nlatitude X Nrecords

with h5py.File(vfilepath, 'r') as v:
    times=[datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)+datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(t)) for t in v['Data']['Array Layout']['timestamps']]
    cgm_lat=np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['cgm_lat'])

    vipn = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['vipn'])
    dvipn = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['dvipn'])
    vipe = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['vipe'])
    dvipe = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['dvipe'])
    vi6 = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['vi6'])
    dvi6 = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['dvi6'])

Resolved Vector Velocity Data#

with h5py.File(vfilepath, 'r') as v:

    utime= np.array([datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)+datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(t)) for t in v['Data']['Array Layout']['timestamps']])
    mlat= np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['cgm_lat'])
    vipn = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['vipn'])
    vipe = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['vipe'])
    vi6 = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['vi6'])
    #print(np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['Data Parameters']))
    vel = np.array([vipe,vipn,vi6]).T

time = utime.astype('datetime64[s]')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,1)
ax = [fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) for i in range(3)]
for i in range(3):
    c = ax[i].pcolormesh(time, mlat, vel[:,:,i].T, vmin=-500., vmax=500., cmap='coolwarm')
    ax[i].set_ylabel('Magnetic Latitude', fontsize=14)
    ax[i].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)  # Change tick label size for both axes

    fig.colorbar(c, label=fr'$Ve_{i+1}$ (m/s)')

ax[2].set_xlabel('Universal Time')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Universal Time')

Electric Field#

The electric field and velocity in the resolved velocities files are not independent measurements. Both are provided for user convenience. By definition, there is no parallel electric field component

with h5py.File(vfilepath, 'r') as v:
    param = list(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['Data Parameters'])
    utime= np.array([datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)+datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(t)) for t in v['Data']['Array Layout']['timestamps']])
    mlat= np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['cgm_lat'])
    epn = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['epn'])
    epe = np.array(v['Data']['Array Layout']['2D Parameters']['epe'])
    e3 = np.zeros_like(epe)
    efield = np.array([epe,epn,e3]).T

time = utime.astype('datetime64[s]')
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,1)
ax = [fig.add_subplot(gs[i]) for i in range(3)]
for i in range(3):
    c = ax[i].pcolormesh(time, mlat, efield[:,:,i].T, vmin=-0.05, vmax=0.05, cmap='coolwarm')
    ax[i].set_ylabel('Magnetic Latitude')
    ax[i].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10)  # Change tick label size for both axes

    fig.colorbar(c, label=fr'$Ed_{i+1}$ (V/m)')

ax[2].set_xlabel('Universal Time')
Text(0.5, 0, 'Universal Time')